Bilimsel Makaleler

Bilimsel Makalelerim

Paternal Depression Rates in Prenatal and Postpartum Periods and Affecting Factors. Arch Psychiatr Nurs.
2016 Dec;30(6):747-752
Effect of Ramadan fasting on metabolic markers, dietary intake and abdominal fat distribution in pregnancy.Hippokratia.
2015 Oct-Dec;19(4):298-303.
Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy may affect fetal thymus development. GinekolPol.
Investigation of the Roles of Cyclooxygenase-2 and Galectin-3 Expression in the Pathogenesis of Premenopausal Endometrial Polyps. J Pathol Transl Med.
2016 May;50(3):225-30
The role of cytokines in first trimester pregnancy losses with fetal chromosomal anomaly. Ginekol Pol.
2015 Nov;86(11):827-32
Investigation of the relationship between salivary cortisol, dehydroepiandrosteronesulfate, anxiety, and depression in patients with hyperemesis gravidarum. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med.
2016 Nov;29(22)
Thyroid antibodies in euthyroid and subclinical hypothyroidic pregnant women with autoimmune hypothyroidism: effects on hematological parameters and postpartum hemorrhage.GinekolPol.
2015 Sep;86(9):666-71.
Relationship between mean platelet volume and vitamin D deficiency in gestational diabetes mellitus Arch Endocrinol Metab.
2015 Oct;59(5):448-54.
Does uterine prolapse alter endometrial cyclooxygenase 2 expression and promote the development of premalignant lesions? Gynecol Obstet Invest.
The effect of vitamin D level in pregnancy on postpartum depression . Arch Womens Ment Health.
2015 Apr;18(2):263-4
Does bupivacaine and fentanyl combination for epidural analgesia shorten the duration of labour?J Obstet Gynaecol.
The effect of place of residence and lifestyle on vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy: Comparison of eastern and western parts of Turkey.J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc. 2014 Aug 8;15(3):149-55
Endometrial pathology in postmenopausal women with no bleeding. Climacteric.
2015 Apr;18(2):241-5
Mid-pregnancy vitamin D levels and postpartum depression. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol.
2014 Aug;179:110-6
Ultrasonographic visceral fat thickness measurement may be a goodscan test for prediction of gestational diabetes mellitus. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med.
2015 May;28(8):893-4
Uterine closure with unlocked suture in cesarean section: Safety and Quality. Pak J MedSci.
2014 May;30(3):530-4
Ultrasonographic visceral fat thickness in the first trimester can predict metabolic syndrome and gestational diabetes mellitus.Endocrine.
2014 Nov;47(2):478-84
Cord blood ischemia-modified albumin: is it associated with abnormal Doppler findings in complicated pregnancies and predictive of perinatalasphyxia? J Obstet Gynaecol Res.
2013 Mar;39(3):663-71
Do amniotic fluid leptin levels decrease in pregnancies with fetal trisomy 21? J Obstet Gynaecol.
2012 Aug;32(6):540-2
Comparison of uterine exteriorization and in situ repair during cesarean sections. Arch Gynecol Obstet.
2012 Jun;285(6):1541-5
Amniotic fluid angiogenin levels are decreased in pregnancies with fetal trisomy,
Late-onset maternal mortality after amniocentesis,
Effect of leptin treatment on neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. J.Matern Fetal Neonatal Med.
2012 Feb;25(2):141-6
Kordosentezin Fetal Orta Serebral Arter ve Umblikal Arter Dalga Formlarına Etkisi
The Influence of epidura lvolume extension on spinal block with hyperbaric or plain bupivacaine
Tuboovarianabseli olguların değerlendirilmesi (2008)
Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation and intrauterine cysto amniotic shunt (2008)
The Effects of Different Maternal Positions On Non-stress Test: An ExperimentalStudy (2007)
Fetal gender affects maternal serum total and placental alkaline phosphatase levels during pregnancy (2006)
Cystectomy in a patient with immature teratoma of the ovary: Restaging, chemotherapyorfollow-up? (2006)
Nifedipine therapy for preterm labor: effects on placental, fetal cerebral and atrioventricular Dopp (2006)
The effects of raloxifene on serum lipid profiles, C-reactive protein and homocysteine levels in posmenopausal women (2006)
Effect of fetal gender on maternal serum human chorionic gonadotropin levels throughout pregnancy (2005)
Travay sürecinde hasta kontrollü epidural analjezi uygulanan gebelerde epidural ve combinespinal-epidural anestezi (2005)
Raloxifene increases serum leptin levels in postmenopausal women: a prospectivestudy (2005)
Mirtazapin use in resistant hyperemesis gravidarum: report of three cases and review of the literature. (2005)
Sağlıklı postmenopozal kadınlarda konjuge equine östrojen ve nomegestrol asetat kullanımı,2005
The short-term effect of nifedipine tocolysis on placental, fetal cerebral and atrioventricular Doppler waveforms (2004).
Different maternal serum hCG levels in pregnant women with female and male fetuses: does fetal hypop (2004)
Venous Doppler in the prediction of acid-base status of growth-restricted fetuses with elevated placental (2004)
Gerçek Stress İnkontinansın tedavisinde genel anestezi altında uygulanan gerilimsiz vaginal bant operasyonu (2004)
Expressionof IGF-IR and VEGF and Trophoblastic Proliferative Activity in Placentas from Pregnancies (2003).
Vaginal Histerektomi sırasında sakrosipinöz fiksasyon (2003)
Importance of the intraoperative frozen section diagnosis in patientwithtamoxifeninducedmalignan (2003)
Gebelikte Vitamin Desteği (2003)
Servikal olgunlaşmada intravaginalmisoprostolünintakt tablet ve ezilmiş tablet olarak uygulanması (2003)
Mosaic form (45X/46XX) of Turner'ssyndrome. A casereport (2002)
Postmenopozal kadınlarda üç aylık transdermalöstrojen+progesteron tedavisi ile tibolon tedavisi (2002)
EndometrialAdenokarsinomlardacatepsin D ninprognostik önemi (2002)
EpitelyalOver Tümörlerinde P53 ve C-ErbB-2 İmmünoreaktivitesinin Klinik ve Patolojik Faktörler (2002)
Asemptomatikbakteriürili gebeliklerin sonuçları (2002)
Doessystematiclymphadenectomyhave a benefit on survival of suboptimallydebulkedpatients (2002)
Theeffect of ascites, massvolumeandperitonealcarsinomatosis on serum ca 125 levels in patients, (2002)
Erken evre epitelyaloverkarsinomundaintraoperatif kist rüptürününprognostik önemi 2002
Fetal Doku Örneklemeleri (2002)
Gebelik ve trombosit hastalıkları (2002)
Dermatomyozitis ve endometrium kanseri (2002)
Can serum ca 125 levelspredictthe optimal primarycytoreduction in patients (2002)
Epitelyalover Tümörlerinde p53 ve c-erbB-2 immünoreaktivitesi (2002)
Premenapozal Dönemde Tamoxifen Kullanımı ile Uyarılmış Endometriyozis Olgusu (2002)
Abdominalincisionalendometrioma (2002)
Risk FactorsforPelvicSurgery (2002)
Primaryendometrioidadenocarcinomawithcoexistingendometrialtuberculosis (2002)
Sıçan endometriumundaki östrojen ve progesteron reseptörleri (2002)
Postmenopozal kadınlarda HRT nin serum lipoprotein a ve HDL düzeylerine etkisi (2001)
Human KoryonikGonadotropinintriod fonksiyonları üzerine etkisinin araştırılması (2001)
May cathepsin D1 immunoreactivity be used as a prognosticfactor in endometrialcarcinomas? (2001)
Vulvanın Granüler Hücreli Tümörü-Olgu Sunumu (2001)
Erken doğum tehdidi yönetiminde maternalhidrasyon, Ritodrin ve Nifedipin (2000)
Erken doğum tehdidi yönetiminde maternalhidrasyon, Ritodrin ve Nifedipin (2000)
Gebelikte Beyin Tümörleri (2000)
HELLP Sendromu'nda akut akciğer ödemi ilk bulgu olabilir mi? (2000)
Endometriozis ve myomauterili olgularda Tümör NekrozisFaktor düzeylerinin tanıda önemi (2000)
Postmenopozal osteoporozda 3 aylık dehidroepiandrosteron uygulamasının sonuçları (2000)
Serviks kanserli olgularda SouthernBlotHybridization metodu ile Human PapillomaVirusDNAsının saptanması (2000)
OoferektomizeratlardaDehidroepiandrosteron'un serum Interleukin-6 düzeylerine etkisi (2000)
Ekstragonadalgerm hücreli tümör saptanan bir inkompletandrojeninsensitivitesi olgusu (2000)
Servikal kanserli Türk kadınlarında Human PapillomaVirusinsidansınınpolimeraz zincir reaksiyonu (2000)
Postmenopozal osteoporozda serum insülin benzeri büyüme faktör bağlayıcı proteinlerin rolü (1999)
Jinekoloji ve obstetride antibiyotik proflaksisi (1999)
İntraabdominaladhezyon oluşumunun önlenmesinde kullanılan ilaçların etkinliklerinin kıyaslanması (1999)